Kelly Cooper

I provide quality mental health care in person and online to women in Lynden WA and throughout WA State. My work focuses on using Lifespan Integration Therapy help clients gain a deeper self awareness in order to heal. I offer down to earth counseling that is hope-filled and client-centered. My Christian faith shapes my worldview, … Read more

Michaela Hutchins

Michaela is a certified social worker and also practices as a birth doula. She appreciates and loves being able to enter into the sacred birth space and remind women of their personal strengths as they deliver. Michaela knows emotional pain and trauma are both mind and body experiences. As a trained Lifespan Integration therapist, she … Read more


Je suis psychologue clinicien formé à l’Université de Paris 8 ,  également psychothérapeute formé en :  ICV  ( Intégration des Cycles de Vie )  Niveau  3, Thérapie Interpersonnelle  ( TIP ), Thérapie Comportementale Dialectique (TCD), TAC (Techniques d’Activation de Conscience), EMDR-IMO  (Intégration par les Mouvements Oculaires). et NTCV  (Neuro-traitement des Traumas par le Champ Visuel. … Read more

Marlène LOUIS

Après des années d’accompagnement de jeune adulte et d’adolescents en rupture, dans la continuité de ce parcours, j’ai décidé de m’intéresser du plus près et au plus profond à l’être humain, notamment dans le domaine du soin . C’est ainsi que j’ai repris les études pour devenir psychologue clinicienne en Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale. Aujourd’hui, je propose … Read more

Takako Molgard

I was born and raised in Japan. Yes, I speak Japanese. I was always interested in inner healing. I have practiced Christian Counseling for 20 years. I understand religious abuse and struggles as I was the one of the burnouts from it. I interned and worked in homeless shelter treating substance abuse, recovering domestic violence … Read more

Beth Griffith

At some point along the way, all of us will face experiences that leave us lost in pain, loneliness, confusion, anxiety, and despair. This often lands us in a lost a sense of direction and/or purpose in life.  When our stories include trauma and loss that have not been processed, the normal challenges of life … Read more

Nathalie Spilker-Thiery

Ich arbeite nach LifeSpanIntegration und nach la psychologie de la Motivation de Paul Diel. ECP European Certificate of Psychotherapie

Catherine AMSILI

Psychologue clinicienne depuis plus de 20 ans, je reçois en thérapie des adultes, des adolescents et des enfants. Je suis formé et j’utilise essentiellement l’ICV dans ma pratique. Je suis également formé aux TCC et à la gestion du stress. Au-delà des techniques, l’accueil que je propose avec ouverture, humour et bienveillance permet aux personnes … Read more

Brenda Joy

Survivors of emotional, sexual and physical trauma, abuse and victimization, as well as people in recovery from cancer diagnoses are people I am most adept at treating. I offer individual therapy and specialize in trauma recovery, empowering my clients to more satisfying and healthier lives.

Marietta Paxson

I help individuals connect to their core self. I believe that at the core, every human being is good, capable, stable, balanced, can easily cope with stress and change, able to have strong relationships and connects well with others, confident, secure and more. The problem is not you, but that there is so much debri, … Read more