Specialization: Complex Trauma
Nita Baer
Nita brings thirty years experience working with traumatized children into her work as an LI therapist and consultant. As a consultant she is available for clinicians seeking certification or interested in improving their understanding and application of LI with children and adults. LI Consultation Therapy for LI therapists seeking certification LI Therapy Spiritual Direction Request … Read more
Justus D’Addario
Justus is a Certified Lifespan Integration therapist and consultant offering online therapy (for Washington state residents). Consultation for therapists wishing to become more successful with Lifespan Integration is open to . Justus specializes in attachment repair, rebuilding and the more subtle aspects of LI. Symptoms of these experiences would be dissociation, PTSD, ADHD, flashbacks etc. … Read more
Judith Piper
I am a mental health therapist with a private practice in Kirkland, WA. Lifespan Integration is my primary modality of treatment for individuals. I treat PTSD and Complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, addictions, and relational issues. I have specialized training in complex grief and am comfortable integrating faith and spirituality for those who wish to … Read more
J’accueille les adultes, les enfants et les couples sur RV au cabinet. Possibilité de RV à distance.
Psychologue clinicienne, psychothérapeute ARS, formée à diverses psychothérapies : LI – ICV ; Praticienne EMDR Europe certifiée, Brainspotting, Méditation et Instructrice MBCT. J’ai donc une approche intégrative et nous définissons ensemble les stratégies thérapeutiques. Au fil des années de pratiques cliniques, je me suis spécialisée en psychotraumatisme, à la dissociation d’origine traumatique, et aux troubles … Read more
Vajralila (Lea)
I qualified over 25 years ago and have found Lifespan Integration to offer the most profound and lasting effects, both for myself and clients. LI offers core building, trauma clearing and attachment repair to clients systems, in a way that is unique for each individual and by using the individuals memory timeline, as the tool … Read more
Anne Pourrier
Formée en systèmie, traumatismes, troubles de l’attachement et Icv niveau 4 et enfants et adolescents, je consulte en libéral depuis trois ans en présentiel et visio à Bordeaux.
Marisol MORENA
Psicóloga especializada en psicopatología y formada en EMDR, Brainspotting y ICV (2010) así como en teoría del trauma y del apego. A través mi práctica de psicoterapeuta de muchos años he podido comprobar la eficacia de LI- ICV en la integración del trauma y más especialmente en el trauma complejo ( disociación, trauma de apego … Read more