Lily Rafizadeh

Working with a holistic approach, I invite exploration of all aspects of your being – including your social and cultural contexts, the family you grew up in, the important relationships in your life, and the states of your body and nervous system. I am deeply influenced by principles of neuroscience and how therapy can shift … Read more

Elodie Hammond

Psychologue clinicienne formée en ICV depuis 2015. Reçois adultes, couple, groupes et familles.  

Natalia Matas-Piper

I am a certified clinical psychologist working as an integrative therapist with teens, adults and families for the past fifteen years. I hold Masters Degrees in Integrative Psychotherapy, Family Systems Therapy and Couples and Sexual Counselling.

Beaula Page

I am an experienced therapist and I run an established and successful therapy practice, known as 1066 Therapy, quietly situated just outside of Battle, East Sussex. I specialise in helping people with anxiety and anxiety-related problems; including fears/phobias, low confidence, self-esteem issues, emotional problems, PTSD/complex PTSD, stress, and trauma. I also help people with weight … Read more

Sharon Macfarlane

You’re trying hard to keep it all together, but you’re exhausted. Life seems out of your control and every small decision feels too big to handle. You are unsure of who you are or where you belong. It’s a battle to get out of bed and face another day. The weight of it all is … Read more

Christine Le

Dr. Le grew up in England and first worked in a children’s refugee home in London.  Here she saw how people with even significant challenges had a great potential for change. Wanting to learn more, she earned a Doctoral degree in Psychology from New York University. She completed her residency at Queens Medical Center in … Read more

Elspeth Humphreys

Elspeth has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Dalhousie University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Victoria. Elspeth is both a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Registered Social Worker in British Columbia for over 20 years. Elspeth works with clients of all ages and has specific training in Mindfulness, LifeSpan … Read more

Pauline Borgniet

Equithérapeute et praticienne ICV, je peux vous recevoir en cabinet ou en renforçant ma pratique grâce à la présence de nos amis équidés. Également formée en accompagnement parental, en thérapie familiale et au traitement du burn-out parental, j’anime régulièrement des ateliers de parents sur les émotions, le handicap et l’accompagnement d’enfants avec un trouble, un … Read more

Jacqueline Nadworny

We have all heard it – “life happens!” Sometimes, we have no control over it and other times we do – but control or no control, we have to live with the circumstances. As children we are taught about how the world works, sometimes through a positive lens, sometimes not. As teenagers, we often rebel … Read more