Lisa Wilkinson

I am a licensed mental health counselor in private practice for over 20 years. My background includes a bachelors degree in astronautical engineering from MIT, a masters degree in aerospace engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, and a masters degree in counseling from Colorado Christian University. I am a trauma-informed therapist who uses … Read more

Rachel Lee Wand

Psychologue Psychothérapeute FSP Marriage & Family Therapy MA Français/English CH – 1196 Gland / Vaud

Thomas Adams

I work a lot with trauma and couples in particular.  Please see my website for more detail and information.  It is a privilege to be able to do this work and see the enormous progress people make in their lives and level of relationship satisfaction. Best Wishes, Tom

Tania Clarke

Hi, I help adults who suffer with anxieties, fears and failure to thrive… affecting relationships, work or home life. Whatever has created these difficulties and discomforts, we find a way, or make a way, to resolve things. I’ve been a therapist since 2011 (previously I helped create change in organisations) and working with LI since … Read more


Je suis psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute. J’accompagne les adultes et les familles pour des consultations psychologiques et des suivis thérapeutiques. J’utilise la thérapie ICV (Intégration du Cycle de la Vie) ainsi qu’une pratique psychocorporelle (Méthode 3C) pour traiter les séquelles de psychotraumatismes et les problématiques d’attachement qui génèrent notamment des difficultés de régulation émotionnelle. Je … Read more

Michelle Waters

Life has been hard for a very long time. In some ways, you are very successful. Yet you feel like you can’t ever rest. Happiness evades you. Loneliness feels like a constant companion. You might have depression, anxiety, flashbacks, panic attacks, ADHD, an eating disorder, chronic pain or more. Together, we can address those issues. … Read more

Catherine Clément

Psychiatre/Psychothérapeute, je travaille avec LI depuis 2007. Je suis formatrice et superviseur LI. Je peux vous accompagner dans une démarche thérapeutique essentiellement en ligne. De ma formation initiale je suis psychiatre/pédopsychiatre.