Wesley Linam

Welcome to Integrative Soul Care The human soul rebels against the modern, compartmentalized self. Seekers of wholeness are discovering what sages of old have known and current brain research affirms at every turn – our essential selves are an intricately woven tapestry of mind, body, heart, and spirit. Many, in coming to mid-life, and latter-life … Read more

Natasha Sephton

Hello, please feel free to browse my profile here and if you would like to find out more about my work, please go to my website. I trained in LI in 2011 and have been integrating it into my practice in the last 12 years. Over this time I have immersed myself in understanding the … Read more

Judith Piper

I am a mental health therapist with a private practice in Kirkland, WA. Lifespan Integration is my primary modality of treatment for individuals. I treat PTSD and Complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, addictions, and relational issues. I have specialized training in complex grief and am comfortable integrating faith and spirituality for those who wish to … Read more

Colin Howard

Chartered Psychologist. Registered Practicing Forensic and Clinical Psychologist Howard Psychology have expertise in the treatment of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex trauma, and dissociative disorders. Colin Howard is an experienced trauma therapist, and is skilled at synthesising a diverse range of therapeutic modalities and relating them to the latest understanding of … Read more

Caitlin Moretz

Hi there! I am a relational and holistic therapist working via telehealth. My clients are generally tired of feeling disconnected from themselves and others. They want to be able to trust themselves and heal from the past. They want hope and empowerment to be free from the trauma and issues that continue to effect their … Read more

Emmanuelle Pezeshgi

Psychologue et thérapeute familial, je reçois adultes, enfants et adolescents. Ma pratique s’adresse aux personnes en individuel et aux couples et enfants en travail systémique. Je travaille avec l’ICV de manière prédominante et je complète avec l’EMDR et TIFT selon les besoins de chacun. Nous co-construisons ensemble la dynamique de la thérapie pour répondre à … Read more

Gillian Drader

Counselling services for children, both and Adults addressing a variety of issues including trauma, anxiety, depression and addictions. Services are also available for children, youth and adults dealing with  learning challenges and Autism Spectrum issues. Modalities available to address these issues include Lifespan Integration, EMDR, OEI and Neurotherapy.

Vajralila (Lea)

I qualified over 25 years ago and have found Lifespan Integration to offer the most profound and lasting effects, both for myself and clients. LI offers core building, trauma clearing and attachment repair to clients systems, in a way that is unique for each individual and by using the  individuals memory timeline, as the tool … Read more

Nuri Gene-Cos

I am a Consultant Psychiatrist for the Trauma and Dissociation Service, specialising in the assessment and treatment of psychological trauma-related conditions including post-traumatic stress disorder, complex trauma and dissociative disorders.