Cindy Wuflestad

Cindy is an approved LI Consultant and is committed to advancing LI therapists through their certification experience. She has been active in the LI community since 2003 after receiving her first experience of LI as a client.  During her years with the LI organization, she has been an instructor, a member of the LI-CORE leadership, … Read more


Studium der Psychologie (Klinische) in Zürich (1986 Master of Science/1990 Fachtitel: Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie FSP/1990 Praxisbewilligung des Kantons Solothurn) Therapieausbildungen: Lifespan Integration seit 2010 Integrative Körperpsychotherapie IBP Phasische Paar- und Familientherapie nach C. Gammer, systemische Therapie Supervisionsausbildung C. Gammer Psychodrama nach Moreno (E. Pfäfflin, Zürich) Gesprächspsychotherapie (Anne Wunderle-Müller, Zürich) Bewusstseinsarbeit Meditatives Verfahren, Atemarbeit Abrechnung über … Read more

Nita Baer

Nita brings thirty years experience working with traumatized children into her work as an LI therapist and consultant. As a consultant she is available for clinicians seeking certification or interested in improving their understanding and application of LI with children and adults.  LI Consultation Therapy for LI therapists seeking certification LI Therapy Spiritual Direction Request … Read more

Justus D’Addario

Justus is a Certified Lifespan Integration therapist and consultant offering online therapy (for Washington state residents). Consultation for therapists wishing to become more successful with Lifespan Integration is open to . Justus specializes in attachment repair, rebuilding and the more subtle aspects of LI. Symptoms of these experiences would be dissociation, PTSD, ADHD, flashbacks etc. … Read more

Wesley Linam

Welcome to Integrative Soul Care The human soul rebels against the modern, compartmentalized self. Seekers of wholeness are discovering what sages of old have known and current brain research affirms at every turn – our essential selves are an intricately woven tapestry of mind, body, heart, and spirit. Many, in coming to mid-life, and latter-life … Read more

Laure MANN

Je suis psychologue clinicienne, j’exerce en libéral sur Paris  et en visio. Je me suis formé à l’ICV en 2010 avec Peggy Pace, cette formation a changé profondément ma pratique professionnelle. L’ICV représente aujourd’hui la quasi-totalité de la prise en charge que je propose à mes clients. Mon parcours en protection de l’enfance, à travers … Read more

Natasha Sephton

Hello, please feel free to browse my profile here and if you would like to find out more about my work, please go to my website. I trained in LI in 2011 and have been integrating it into my practice in the last 12 years. Over this time I have immersed myself in understanding the … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne, diplômée de l’Université Paris X Nanterre-La Défense, je pratique la psychothérapie LI-ICV pour adulte. Je suis également superviseure et formatrice. Je reçois en présentiel à Paris mais aussi en distanciel (visio).  

Judith Piper

I am a mental health therapist with a private practice in Kirkland, WA. Lifespan Integration is my primary modality of treatment for individuals. I treat PTSD and Complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, addictions, and relational issues. I have specialized training in complex grief and am comfortable integrating faith and spirituality for those who wish to … Read more