Leah Kostamo

Leah’s greatest joy is traveling with others in the deep waters of their own transformation. Using interventions based on the latest developments in neuroscience psychology, Leah creates a safe and nurturing environment in which clients can resolve traumatic and sensitive issues. Leah has completed Level 4 training in Lifespan Integration Therapy. In addition, she has … Read more

Kari Kamsvåg Magnusson

Leg. psykoterapeut, Systemisk inriktning (Familjeterapeut), Certifierad Lifespanterapeut, nivå 4. Lång erfarenhet som familjeterapeut, både inom kommunal verksamhet och i privat regi. Arbetat med trauma sedan 2016, främst med sexuella övergrepp och våld. Organiserar Lifespan-utbildningarna i Sverige.

Sarah Kardelen

I believe our lives are like a tapestry, consisting of strands of stories that have been woven together to make one larger story. Our story is part of the larger tapestry of our family, race, culture, country and world. Through the work of therapy, we come to understand our stories and are empowered to decide … Read more

Emily Mullenax

I received my Master of Social Work (MSW) from New York University, and I currently practice as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) specializing in trauma-informed treatment. I believe in healing through compassion, empowerment, and integration.  Therapy isn’t about rewriting the past or bypassing your experiences with toxic positivity. We can’t change what happened to … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne (Université Paris 7) spécialisée en LI-ICV depuis 2014, je suis certifiée-agréée et supervision en LI-ICV. J’ai exercé en Néonatalogie auprès des nouveaux-nés et de leurs parents ainsi qu’en Unité de Grossesse à risques auprès des femmes hospitalisées. Formée en Victimologie, à la prise en charge des victimes et des auteurs de violences, j’ai … Read more

Delia He

I believe we are stronger together. My counselling practice is committed to helping you heal from past experiences and develop the mental resiliency to handle future events. I have a Bachelors degree in Criminology and a Masters degree Counselling Psychology. I have over a decade of experience working 1 on 1 with individuals. My areas of focus include: depression, anxiety, … Read more


Psychologue, Psychothérapeute et Praticienne EMDR Europe Accréditée /Thérapeute ICV Lifespan Integration Intervient auprès du public Adulte Après une formation Universitaire, son parcours a évolué en fonction des besoins des personnes et des demandes : Une spécialisation en souffrance au travail et une implication au sein de la médecine du travail avec l’équipe pluridisciplinaire (médecins, Infirmiers, … Read more

Charlotte PAGNOUX

Psychologue clinicienne accréditée en thérapie ICV, je reçois en présentiel ainsi qu’en visio. Je suis formé en thérapie EMDR, thérapie familiale systémique, thérapie des schémas. J’interviens également auprès d’institution pour réaliser des analyses de pratique.

Haoli Rein

My name is Haoli (said like Hayley with an ‘O’ in the middle) and I’ve been working in private practice for over twelve years now, drawing from the latest research in counselling and neuroscience. However, when I trained in Lifespan Integration, I started seeing changes in my clients that I hadn’t seen before. This is … Read more