Dammarie du Boislouveau

Psychologue clinicienne, j’exerce en libéral ainsi qu’en clinique psychiatrique auprès d’un public adulte souffrant de diverses problématiques pertinentes de la psychopathologie. Issue d’une formation intégrative, j’assume cette posture dans mon travail, cherchant toujours à adapter ma pratique aux besoins du patient. Passionnée par la psychologie et la recherche, je m’engage à actualiser régulièrement mes connaissances … Read more

Leah Kostamo

Leah’s greatest joy is traveling with others in the deep waters of their own transformation. Using interventions based on the latest developments in neuroscience psychology, Leah creates a safe and nurturing environment in which clients can resolve traumatic and sensitive issues. Leah has completed Level 4 training in Lifespan Integration Therapy. In addition, she has … Read more

Juliette RUFIN

Je vous propose de vous recevoir à mon cabinet place de la nation ou de vous accompagner à distance par skype. Issue d’une formation intégrative (utilisant différents outils/approches thérapeutiques) je me suis progressivement spécialisée en ICV qui est aujourd’hui un outil privilégié. Cette approche innovante propose une grille de compréhension et de résolution de nos … Read more

France Moysan

Psychologue Clinicienne et Psychothérapeute Certifiée en ICV et praticienne EMDR Formée en psychotraumatologie, psychosomatique, transgénérationnel Prises en charge en présentiel et distanciel pour adultes et adolescents

Cecilie Ott

Therapy can help teach effective life skills, but even greater, therapy can help you heal.  Sometimes we need to heal from hurts or betrayals that occurred in our childhood, while for others it may be addressing more recent injury or loss.  Truly healing can rid us of many symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Specializing … Read more

Delia He

I believe we are stronger together. My counselling practice is committed to helping you heal from past experiences and develop the mental resiliency to handle future events. I have a Bachelors degree in Criminology and a Masters degree Counselling Psychology. I have over a decade of experience working 1 on 1 with individuals. My areas of focus include: depression, anxiety, … Read more

Danielle Palmer

As a trained trauma therapist, my approach gets to the root of your long-standing problems. Experiences of stress and trauma leave lasting impacts on the brain, body and psyche, disrupting our mood, energy, and thinking patterns. These impacts can not be undone by “talk therapy” alone. In addition to being a talk therapist, I am … Read more

Sebastian Wingfield

My name is Sebastian Wingfield and I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC #10006435) and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC #22622). Beyond my master’s degree in counselling psychology, I have extensive training as an existential therapist and integrate elements of humanistic, psychodynamic, and contemporary cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques in my work to form an individualized treatment … Read more

Morgane QUENON

Psychologue Clinicienne et Thérapeute systémicienne et ICV ( adultes et enfants/ado). Je reçois des enfants, adolescents, adultes, couples et familles. Consultations possibles en cabinet ou en visio.