Emmanuelle BOEHME

If not updated this record will expire at 10/02/2024.

Therapist category: Trained Therapist

Level of training:  Level 2 

Types of clients: Adults, Couples, Teens

Specializations: Addiction, Adoption, Anxiety, Burn Out, Depression, Eating Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, LGBTQ, Relational issues, Self confidence

LI Therapy online?: Yes

Languages: English, French

Main Address:
791 boulevard Denfert Rochereau
Salon-de-Provence,  , France

Email: emmanuelle.boehme@gmail.com
Phone: 0681022161


791 Boulevard Denfert Rochereau, Salon-de-Provence, France,
27 Rue Fernand Dol, Aix-en-Provence, France