I have been working as a Lifespan Integration therapist for 9 years and have had the privilege of journeying with people as they discover wholeness and freedom. In my work with clients I help people uncover new ways of relating to themselves and others, integrate painful memories to find wholeness, and develop new ways of … Read more

Marie-Violette VELLUTINI

Il n’est pas rare d’être confronté au cours de sa vie, à certaines difficultés, de traverser des étapes compliquées, sentir en soi un mal-être général ou ciblé, pouvoir engendrer une souffrance psychologique, des questionnements sur soi-même, ou bien susciter le besoin d’entamer une réflexion particulière. L’être humain dispose en lui d’une multitude de ressources pour … Read more

Sheri Blue

I have a client-centered, strengths-based, non-judgmental approach that focuses on connection and attachment. One of the main goals of my work is to help clients increase their awareness of the patterns, reactions, and core beliefs that effect their communications and behaviors. I use Lifespan Integration, psychodynamic therapy, mindfulness, Hakomi, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), … Read more

Nichole Grimes

I believe in the sacred nature of the counseling relationship and create a non judgmental therapeutic environment that honors the full range of human experiences and identities. I utilize the power of a genuine, compassionate, and affirming therapeutic relationship to cultivate the safety and trust needed for change and the healing process. At the core … Read more

Gloria Sandford

GLORIA SANDFORD MA, LMHC Gloria received her Master’s Degree in Counseling, specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy, from Saint Mary’s University in 1995. Since that time she has worked with a variety of issues concerning adults, children, marital issues, families, and support groups. Gloria is a professional member and trained Parent Facilitator of SENG (Supporting … Read more

Valérie Bernagaud

Formée tout d’abord à l’écoute active puis à un parcours thérapeutique humaniste faisant partie de la mouvance des thérapies brèves, j’ai poursuivi ma formation en thérapie systémique familiale et en ICV (Intégration Cycle de Vie) et Thérapie des schémas. Aujourd’hui, je me qualifie de thérapeute systémicienne intégrative. Thérapeute systémicienne, pour moi cela veut dire que … Read more

Jenni Goldstein

I work with those who are committed to the long-term work of healing complex trauma and attachment wounding through experiential work (a mix of Lifespan Integration and other attachment-based modalities). I specialize in working with activists, artists and healers, and particularly those who are ready for deep transformative healing, so they can better do their … Read more