Marlene Travis

Life is unpredictable. When we get blindsided, we want so badly to make sense of it. I believe in hope and healing. I also believe life was not meant to be lived alone, that we thrive in relationships with others. Lifespan Integration offers a surprisingly effective and lasting healing experience that helps you to make … Read more

Leah Kostamo

Leah’s greatest joy is traveling with others in the deep waters of their own transformation. Using interventions based on the latest developments in neuroscience psychology, Leah creates a safe and nurturing environment in which clients can resolve traumatic and sensitive issues. Leah has completed Level 4 training in Lifespan Integration Therapy. In addition, she has … Read more

Claire Six

Psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute, formée à l’analyse junguienne, à la Gestalt-thérapie, à l’EMDR et à l’ICV, j’accompagne en thérapie individuelle les adultes et les couples.

Cecilie Ott

Therapy can help teach effective life skills, but even greater, therapy can help you heal.  Sometimes we need to heal from hurts or betrayals that occurred in our childhood, while for others it may be addressing more recent injury or loss.  Truly healing can rid us of many symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Specializing … Read more

Shellee Potocki

I have been working with clients for over 10 years using LI.  I love to help people reframe their thinking and reshape their behaviors.

Sarah Kardelen

I believe our lives are like a tapestry, consisting of strands of stories that have been woven together to make one larger story. Our story is part of the larger tapestry of our family, race, culture, country and world. Through the work of therapy, we come to understand our stories and are empowered to decide … Read more

Kirsten Van Wingerden

Does it feel like something just isn’t quite right in your life? Like you are working so hard to maintain a “normal” life and you are burning out? Yeah…I’ve been there…This experience led me to explore my mental health which then led to my passion for helping others do the same. This passion for mental … Read more

Melanie Ukosakul

The ache for a place to belong is a very human experience. Maybe your life looks fine on the outside but you feel uprooted, isolated, lonely, misunderstood or disconnected inside and to relationships in your life. It may be due to a stressful transition, a death or loss of a relationship, past trauma, or a … Read more