Maritha Andersson

Jag är familjeterapeut, legitimerad Hälso- och sjukvårdskurator och utbildad LI-terapeut. I mitt arbete träffar jag personer med trauman, destruktiva kommunikations- och relationsmönster, rädslor och oro. Jag har lång erfarenhet av att möta familjer, föräldrar, barn och ungdomar med psykosocial problematik. Jag har också lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med Våld i nära relation, både våldsutsatta, … Read more

Kari Kamsvåg Magnusson

Leg. psykoterapeut, Systemisk inriktning (Familjeterapeut), Certifierad Lifespanterapeut, nivå 4. Lång erfarenhet som familjeterapeut, både inom kommunal verksamhet och i privat regi. Arbetat med trauma sedan 2016, främst med sexuella övergrepp och våld. Organiserar Lifespan-utbildningarna i Sverige.

Kristin Harper

The gifts that I have to share are from a body-based counseling background.    I am a massage therapist, yoga teacher, and Lifespan Integration Therapist.  I have been learning about LI since 2003, and I have been practicing LI as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and have a straight LI practice based out of Ellensburg, … Read more

Kirsten Van Wingerden

Does it feel like something just isn’t quite right in your life? Like you are working so hard to maintain a “normal” life and you are burning out? Yeah…I’ve been there…This experience led me to explore my mental health which then led to my passion for helping others do the same. This passion for mental … Read more

Corinne Vogel

Psychopraticiene depuis 2009 en cabinet à Alba la Romaine en Ardèche (France), j’accompagne en thérapie des enfants, des adolescents, des parents, des adultes et des couples. Formée en psychologie à l’Université de Strasbourg, à la thérapie cognitive basée sur la pleine conscience MBCT, à l’hypnose Ericksonienne , à la psychothérapie essentielle et à l’ICV adultes … Read more

Carine Bossuyt

Gestalt-thérapeute, thérapeute humaniste et psychocorporelle en suivi individuel. En outre, je suis formé à l’accompagnement de couples et de familles et spécialisé dans le soutien de personnes traversant un burn out professionnel et/ou parental. Je détiens le certificat européen de psychothérapie (CEP).

Janine Dean MA, LMFT

Lifespan integration provides a path for internal stabilization that is structured, gentle and effective. This approach respectfully engages with systemic body-mind processes and attachment needs that are inherent to our human experience, and helpful in the healing journey. I continue to see clients move forward from symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress into more confidence, … Read more

Danielle Palmer

As a trained trauma therapist, my approach gets to the root of your long-standing problems. Experiences of stress and trauma leave lasting impacts on the brain, body and psyche, disrupting our mood, energy, and thinking patterns. These impacts can not be undone by “talk therapy” alone. In addition to being a talk therapist, I am … Read more