Veronica García Rodriguez

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker In the state of New Mexico. I have been practicing at Formation Counseling Services for over 20 years. I hold a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work and I am also a Certified Lifespan Integration therapist. I continue to keep abreast the current protocols via consultation with other … Read more

Virginia Ericson

I specialize in trauma and attachment, using Lifespan Integration, Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.

Maud Achram

Bonjour, Psychologue clinicienne en libéral sur ANNECY, je pratique l’ICV depuis plusieurs années maintenant. Maud

Denise Kuyper

Experiencing a sense of stuckness can be tormenting, like being in an oarless lifeboat with no one in sight. Whatever healing you are hoping for on the pathway toward clarity and wholeness, working together with Lifespan Integration, will pave the way with gentle movement in the process of becoming your authentic Self.

Anne Rochet

Thérapeute systémique, praticienne accréditée ICV, je pratique la thérapie en individuel, en famille et en couple. Je suis formé à la Théorie de l’attachement. Je suis également formatrice et j’interviens dans les institutions et dans les entreprises pour l’analyse des pratiques professionnelles et de la supervision. Je consulte en présentiel et en visio.  


I have been working as a Lifespan Integration therapist for 9 years and have had the privilege of journeying with people as they discover wholeness and freedom. In my work with clients I help people uncover new ways of relating to themselves and others, integrate painful memories to find wholeness, and develop new ways of … Read more

Nichole Grimes

I believe in the sacred nature of the counseling relationship and create a non judgmental therapeutic environment that honors the full range of human experiences and identities. I utilize the power of a genuine, compassionate, and affirming therapeutic relationship to cultivate the safety and trust needed for change and the healing process. At the core … Read more


Je suis psychologue formé au niveau 3 et certifié en tant que thérapeute LI (ICV). Je suis également formé à l’approche systémique. Je consulte uniquement en visio car basée dans l’Océan Indien