Lotten Åkerberg

Jag är beteendevetare och arbetar som skolkurator med tonåringar, och har tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med vuxna inom behandling med missbruk, övergrepp, kriminalitet, självskadebeteende och NPF diagnoser. Det jag använder mig mest av i mitt arbete är Lifespan Integration, NLP, hypnos och MI.

Jackie Pack

Jackie graduated with her Master of Social Work from Louisiana State University in 1995. After graduation, she traveled back to Utah and embarked on a journey in substance addiction therapy.  As she delved into the addiction field, she discovered hidden aspects of her own family’s history and began making sense of her upbringing.  Subsequently, she … Read more

Sarah Meekhof

Your story matters. No matter what season of life you are in, or what you are grappling with: you. matter. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees: counseling can help bring a clearer vision of where you’ve been, where you are heading — and how to get there. I am a Licensed … Read more

Géraldine Séguret

Psychologue clinicienne diplômée de l’université Paris 8, j’accueille les adultes, adolescents et enfants dans mon cabinet à Palaiseau pour des consultations de psychothérapie. Mon approche est dite intégrative, c’est-à-dire qu’elle intègre des approches différentes selon la demande et les besoins de la consultation : cognitive et comportementale, systémique, psychodynamique, ICV-LI et thérapie par le jeu … Read more

Jeanine Gardner

Adverse and traumatic events in life can leave us feeling unseen, unheard, and misunderstood. I believe healing begins when we become present with the pain and honor its existence. My approach to therapy is compassion-focused, warm, direct, and research-based. My therapeutic style seeks to create safety as I walk with you on your healing journey … Read more

Sophie Mooren

Je suis psychologue clinicienne, psychothérapeute et j’accompagne les adultes ainsi que les personnes âgées. Je suis formée aux thérapies cognitives et comportementales de 3ème vague (ACT Thérapie) ainsi qu’à l’ICV. Je suis également instructrice pour le programme de gestion du stress par la pleine conscience (MBSR).

Ted Pawloff

Ich bin Psychotherapeut (in Ausbildung unter Supervision) und arbeite mit Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen an Problemstellungen wie Depression, Burn Out, Angst/Panik und Sexuellen und Beziehungsproblemen. Zusätzlich bin ich Imago Therapeut in Zertifizierung.

Emily Stephens

I am a licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate with a private practice in Olympia, WA.  I welcome all adult clients, and specialize in working with people during the perinatal period (infertility, pregnancy loss, birth trauma, and postpartum challenges).  Lifespan Integration is an invaluable tool that I use to address current challenges for clients, as well … Read more