Chelsea Haining

Personal Experience My childhood and adolescence were like many of my clients; filled with lots of big emotions that proved overwhelming for me to manage. Happily, at a young age, I found that counseling really helped me grow. It was here I discovered balance, comfort, and courage. Once I learned the skills to manage my … Read more

Claire Raynaud de Lage

Psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute, et en parallèle de mes fonctions hospitalières, je reçois des adultes dans le cadre d’une demande de soutien ponctuel ou d’une psychothérapie. Diverses raisons peuvent vous amener à consulter un psychologue : des événements de vie difficiles, des événements traumatiques, des difficultés de gestion de vos émotions, de l’anxiété, des problématiques … Read more

Ruidi Zhu

I am a bilingual (Chinese/English) psychotherapist specializing in cultural, racial and childhood trauma. I use an integrative approach that combines Lifespan Integration, EMDR and talk therapy. Please feel free to visit my website or email me to book a free consultation session.

Aislinn Noone

The nature and purpose of therapy is to help with create a deeper insight into oneself, their relationships, and pinpoint unhelpful cycles that people find themselves in. I take an integrative approach with my clients to meet them where they are and to help them on their own personalized journeys and goals. I utilize several … Read more

Laura Schäfer

Psychologue depuis plus de 10 ans, ma première intention est de vous placer au cœur de mon accompagnement. Il est essentiel et évident pour moi de tenir compte de vos spécificités, de votre parcours et de vos attentes. C’est parce que vous êtes uniques et que chaque situation l’est aussi que le parcours proposé et … Read more

Denise Kuyper

Experiencing a sense of stuckness can be tormenting, like being in an oarless lifeboat with no one in sight. Whatever healing you are hoping for on the pathway toward clarity and wholeness, working together with Lifespan Integration, will pave the way with gentle movement in the process of becoming your authentic Self.

Marion Delaboudinière

Psychologue-psychothérapeute, je suis spécialisée en psychologie du développement. Je suis formé à l’ICV pour les enfants et les adolescents.  

Anne Rochet

Thérapeute systémique, praticienne accréditée ICV, je pratique la thérapie en individuel, en famille et en couple. Je suis formé à la Théorie de l’attachement. Je suis également formatrice et j’interviens dans les institutions et dans les entreprises pour l’analyse des pratiques professionnelles et de la supervision. Je consulte en présentiel et en visio.  

Karmel Mayo

Are you looking for someone to truly listen with genuine warmth, acceptance, and encouragement? Are you struggling at home, work or school, facing stressful or painful events in your life, and simply needing someone to openly listen? I work with individuals who are struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. I will work with you as … Read more

Laura Parry

Laura is a licensed clinical social worker practicing since 2009, and clinical director of Roots & Branches Wellness. Laura is passionate about helping expecting parents understand mental health during the pregnancy and postpartum phases of their lives and has made this a core pillar of her practice. Laura graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work … Read more