Karyna Capote

Traumatic past, no matter how recent or ancient – can be blocking you from what you truly want in life. Traumatic memories have no time stamp – therefore, they come up randomly and seem to always be present. These memories are stored in their original state which means they bring the same feelings each and … Read more

Carmen Calvo-Rodriguez

I am an empathetic, approachable and genuine integrative counsellor, with a firm belief in empowering clients, supporting them to achieve growth and healing via a trusting therapeutic relationship that takes into account social context. Whenever I have used Lifespan Integration with clients, I have found that the results have been profound and long lasting. Although … Read more

Kate Murphy

I imagine you work hard and appear to have it together, but inside anxiety is churning and sometimes depression takes over. Thoughts can race and your inner critic is loud. It’s time to explore why certain behaviors or beliefs about yourself continue to get in your way. Lifespan Integration is a highly effective modality to … Read more

Jessy Jauneau

Je suis Jessy Jauneau, Psychologue Clinicien de la Santé, Psychothérapeute ICV, Psychopédagogue et Coach Sportif ! Je suis convaincu que pour accompagner mes patients vers le bien-être, il est essentiel d’adopter une approche intégrative et holistique, prenant en compte à la fois l’aspect psychologique et physique de chaque individu. Ma passion pour comprendre les interactions … Read more

Jen Stoakes

After 20 years of working directly with children of all ages and their parents I am currently focusing on supporting parents. This is in part due to my training in LI. LI is a powerful tool in therapy with adults and parents since parenting is the quickest way for us to experience a whole range … Read more

Jessica Bowes

I graduated with my MSW in 2011 and have been in private practice since 2018. My main modalities center the relationship between client and therapist while using mindfulness based somatic therapies and lifespan integration work. I am in perpetual awe of the change that happens as one returns more and more to the home inside, … Read more

Lotten Åkerberg

Jag är beteendevetare och arbetar som skolkurator med tonåringar, och har tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med vuxna inom behandling med missbruk, övergrepp, kriminalitet, självskadebeteende och NPF diagnoser. Det jag använder mig mest av i mitt arbete är Lifespan Integration, NLP, hypnos och MI.

Géraldine Séguret

Psychologue clinicienne diplômée de l’université Paris 8, j’accueille les adultes, adolescents et enfants dans mon cabinet à Palaiseau pour des consultations de psychothérapie. Mon approche est dite intégrative, c’est-à-dire qu’elle intègre des approches différentes selon la demande et les besoins de la consultation : cognitive et comportementale, systémique, psychodynamique, ICV-LI et thérapie par le jeu … Read more

Ted Pawloff

Ich bin Psychotherapeutin (Dynamische Gruppenpsychotherapie, DGGD) und arbeite im Gruppen- sowie Einzelsetting mit Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen an Problemstellungen wie Depression, Burn Out, Angst/Panik und Sexuellen und Beziehungsproblemen. Zusätzlich bin ich Imago Therapeut in Zertifizierung.