Ted Pawloff

Ich bin Psychotherapeut (in Ausbildung unter Supervision) und arbeite mit Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen an Problemstellungen wie Depression, Burn Out, Angst/Panik und Sexuellen und Beziehungsproblemen. Zusätzlich bin ich Imago Therapeut in Zertifizierung.

Emily Stephens

I am a licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate with a private practice in Olympia, WA.  I welcome all adult clients, and specialize in working with people during the perinatal period (infertility, pregnancy loss, birth trauma, and postpartum challenges).  Lifespan Integration is an invaluable tool that I use to address current challenges for clients, as well … Read more

Stuart Malkin

Trauma, anxiety, grief, burn-out, relational and family stress can keep you from living your life to its full potential. While difficult and stressful experiences are unavoidable in life, there is a way for you to find joy, purpose, and passion again with the right support. I offer compassionate counseling services for adults and couples in … Read more

Angela Ehrenzeller

Dr. med. Angela Ehrenzeller – Illies Psychiatrie  und Psychotherapie FMH Psychosomatische und Psychosoziale Medizin SAPPM Hypnotherapeutin SIMH

Christian Weisheit, Dr. med.

am a 57yr old Physician, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist. Specialized in the treament of posttraumatic stress disorders and related conditions, such as psychosomatic, affective and dissociative disorders, including DID. For many years, I have been member of the DeGPT, which is the german-speaking society of psychotraumatology, owning the certificate `Spezielle Psychotraumatherapie´ ( `Special Psychotraumatherapy´). Furthermore, I … Read more

Kristen Stewart

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a Registered Social Worker with 15 years experience supporting individuals to make positive changes and create a life that’s worth living. My areas of expertise are in depression, anxiety, eating disorders, difficult life transitions, grief, trauma and PTSD, and reproductive mental health including postpartum depression, fertility issues, and … Read more

Peter Flury-Kleubler

Mein Angebot gründet auf der Erfahrung, dass unsere Lebensgeschichte das Hier und Jetzt prägt. Und dennoch haben wir jeden Moment die Wahl zwischen alten und neuen Mustern. Meine Arbeit basiert auf den Methoden der Integrativen Körperpsychotherapie, Lifespan Integration® , Somatic Experiencing® , der Systemischen Integrativen Paartherapie und weiteren humanistischen Ansätzen.