Therapists who are listed in this directory have completed the Level 2 Lifespan IntegrationTM training. By viewing this list, you acknowledge that the Therapists listed here are not agents of Peggy Pace or Lifespan Integration, LLC. You further acknowledge that Peggy Pace and Lifespan Integration, LLC do not endorse, recommend, or guarantee the services of the Therapists who appear in this directory. In addition, by viewing this list, you acknowledge that Peggy Pace and Lifespan Integration, LLC make no endorsement, warranty, or representation as to the competence or experience of the therapists listed here or as to the completeness and accuracy of the information provided in the directory or of the directory itself.

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Detailed Search

Please search for your Lifespan Integration therapist by name, or tick the boxes to locate the therapist that you are searching for. You can select Country, Region / State, and City as well. CLICK SEARCH.

Search results show in blocks of 12 squares below the form. Click on any square to go to that therapist’s details page.
You can click to the next block if there are more than 12 results.

Only these 12 search results show in the map at the bottom of the page.

Andrea Barton
Beatriz Rivera
Maïthé Dufételle
Claire De Giacinto
Sandrine Fischer Azouz
Marie Noëlle de Theux
Carrie Cochran
Thomas Degas