Marietta Paxson

I help individuals connect to their core self. I believe that at the core, every human being is good, capable, stable, balanced, can easily cope with stress and change, able to have strong relationships and connects well with others, confident, secure and more. The problem is not you, but that there is so much debri, … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne psychothérapeute, je vous rencontre pour une écoute, une guidance, une thérapie, un accompagnement dans les cas suivants : Chemin d’homme : vous êtes un homme, vous vous questionnez sur votre fonctionnement, votre place, vos choix de vie, vous ressentez un malaise ou une souffrance, vivez une situation difficile, avez subi un ou des … Read more

Todd Holdridge

Todd is a marriage and family therapist with offices in Shoreline and Seattle’s University District. He specializes in work with men and relationships.

Rachel Lee Wand

Psychologue Psychothérapeute FSP Marriage & Family Therapy MA Français/English CH – 1196 Gland / Vaud

Shirley Chaouat

Je suis Shirley Chaouat psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute, diplômée depuis 2016, d’un Master 2 en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Dans ma pratique, j’utilise la psychothérapie Lifespan Integration (anciennement ICV) qui me permet de répondre à différentes problématiques psychologiques. Je me suis également formée à différents outils que j’utilise parfois en … Read more

Thomas Adams

I work a lot with trauma and couples in particular.  Please see my website for more detail and information.  It is a privilege to be able to do this work and see the enormous progress people make in their lives and level of relationship satisfaction. Best Wishes, Tom

Marie Abita Pelette

Psychologue clinicienne, formée à l’ICV, l’EMDR et l’hypnose, j’accompagne les adultes et les enfants pour vaincre les traumatismes de la vie, l’anxiété, la dépression ainsi que les troubles de l’attachement et de l ‘estime de soi.

Benita Weems

My goal as a counselor is to empower people to overcome whatever they are facing and find hope. I want my clients to know they are not alone and that healing and peace are possible. Each Client has incredible worth and value. I hope to serve my clients as both an advocate and a counselor. … Read more

Kellee Gibbons

The emotional wounds caused by trauma, or by not getting our needs met when we are young, left untreated, continue to cost us dearly. They underlie our feelings of depression, anxiety, insecurity, and rage; our unhealthy patterns including addictions, eating disorders and insomnia; and the toxic, repetitive dynamics that keep playing out in our closest … Read more