Elodie Gastaldo

Psychologue clinicienne, co-fondatrice d’EIDO, Centre de thérapies Neuro-intégratives du stress et des traumatismes. (Paris, Bordeaux, Montpellier). Praticienne en ICV, je propose des consultations humanistes et des stratégies thérapeutiques régulatrices du stress traumatique et des troubles dissociatifs (violences intrafamiliales, traumatismes précoces de l’enfance, troubles de l’attachement, inceste, violences sexuelles)

Lisa Pierce

Have you ever wondered why a misunderstanding or hurtful experience with someone important in your life produces such strong, painful emotions? Do you have memories of past traumatic experiences pop up and bite you on a regular basis? Would you like to have more fulfilling relationships? If your answer to any of these questions is … Read more

Roger Pierce

Have you ever wondered why you have not been able to walk away from certain events in life? Why some experiences continue to remind you of strong and painful memories? Do you feel as if a gremlin lives inside your head and berates you on a regular basis? If your answer to any of these … Read more

Dominique Joaüs

Psychologue clinicienne spécialisée en psychotrauma. Formée également en : Thérapie assistée par le cheval basée sur la théorie polyvagale (Connection Focus Therapy) Instructrice MBCT Thérapie familiale systémique (APRTF)  

Angie Lai

I am an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, and I offer in-person and online therapy for teens and adults. I love to provide caring support for people as they explore their lives, develop a deeper relationship with themselves, and experience healing. I am especially interested in how attachment injuries and traumatic experiences contribute to mental, … Read more

Corey Griffin

It is an honor to accompany people as they navigate integrating their life experiences to find meaning and purpose. I specialize in helping folks transitioning through their perinatal period and into parenthood while coping with mood and anxiety disorders and past trauma. Big Life transitions often require support for healthy integration. All transitions offer the … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne spécialisée en thérapie comportementale, cognitive et émotionnelle, EMDR, ICV