Sebastian Karlström

Jag är utbildad socionom, alkohol och drogterapeut samt steg 3 lifespan integration. Jag har 14år års erfarenhet av att arbeta med människor med beroendeproblematik, kriminalitet och psykisk ohälsa i olika former. jag är stationerad i Sundsvall men kan ta digitala träffar och eventuellt kan jag ta träffar på andra platser i Västernorrland

Giulia Dittmann

Psychologue et psychothérapeute, je suis spécialisée en psychopathologie clinique. Après huit années en protection de l’enfance, je me suis installé en libéral. Au sein de mon cabinet, j’accueille des adolescents (avec accord de l’autorité parentale), des adultes, des couples et des familles. Mon approche se veut intégrative, c’est-à-dire multiréférentielle, afin de m’ajuster au mieux à … Read more

Shilea Cooper

Hello! I am a Clinical Mental Health Counselor practicing in Millcreek, Utah at The EFT Clinic. I love using Lifespan Integration in sessions. It is a gentle mind body approach to healing. Lifespan Integration can be used to treat anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, relationship issues, grief and loss, and emotional regulation. During our sessions together … Read more

Louise de Foucault

Psychologue, j’accueille les adultes dans mon cabinet à Toulon. Mon approche est intégrative, et la thérapie ICV est mon référentiel principal.

Elizabeth Anderson

I am a licensed psychotherapist, registered hypnotherapist and Level III Lifespan Integration practitioner in Seattle, Washington. I am also an artist, primarily working in watercolor, acrylic and collage. I am licensed to work with clients in both Washington State and Michigan. I believe that our ability to stay in the moment, especially when things are … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne d’orientation analytique et formée à différents outils (ICV, EMDR, Hypnose, Brainspotting, Relaxation, EFT) afin de m’adapter aux besoins de chacun.

Jacob McEwen

Hello, and welcome! I take an integrated, holistic approach to therapy that seeks to help you uncover insights and access the wisdom within you through mindfulness, Socratic dialogue and somatic exploration. When working with trauma, I utilize a somatic, integrative model called Lifespan Integration which takes a wholistic to resolving trauma symptoms. My lens is … Read more

Jacquelyn Baker

Throughout our lives, we all encounter loss, but some of those losses can leave us with an overwhelming sense of heartache and unprocessed grief. You may be feeling stuck and regardless of what you do, you can’t seem to move forward. Whether you’ve experienced a recent death, or you’re trying to process losses accumulated over … Read more