Erin Reyes

I am a lover of people — their hurts, their hearts, their pain, and their struggles – mostly because I have been there. I know the heaviness that depression can bring, the exhaustion of anxiety, the darkness of loneliness. I spent a large majority of my late teens and early twenties battling the demons of … Read more


Psychologue clinicienne, j’ai immédiatement commencé à me former pour développer mes connaissances et accompagner les personnes au mieux par rapport à leurs difficultés ressenties et leurs attentes. D’abord, je me suis formée en approche systémique pour prendre la demande dans son contexte. Cela m’a amené à travailler avec des couples et des familles. Par la … Read more

Sarah Smith

Much like plodding through snow-laden terrain in winter, moving forward with therapy can be arduous and foreboding. With commitment and repetition, however, a path emerges, and our journey becomes easier and more familiar with time. Whether mired in depression, frenetic with anxiety, or stifled by the monotony of a dysfunctional relationship, therapy can provide us … Read more

Carmen Calvo-Rodriguez

I am an empathetic, approachable and genuine integrative counsellor, with a firm belief in empowering clients, supporting them to achieve growth and healing via a trusting therapeutic relationship that takes into account social context. Whenever I have used Lifespan Integration with clients, I have found that the results have been profound and long lasting. Although … Read more

Kate Murphy

I imagine you work hard and appear to have it together, but inside anxiety is churning and sometimes depression takes over. Thoughts can race and your inner critic is loud. It’s time to explore why certain behaviors or beliefs about yourself continue to get in your way. Lifespan Integration is a highly effective modality to … Read more

Sophie Pappas

Psychologue clinicienne, diplômée de l’Ecole des Psychologues Praticiens en 1993. Thérapeute spécialisée en Self-Thérapie (IR), Process Com thérapie et Thérapeute ICV. Je reçois des adultes pour un accompagnement personnalisé & intégratif répondant notamment aux besoins suivants : Une meilleure compréhension de soi-même. Dépasser des blocages, des événements de vie difficiles, des événements traumatiques. Mieux réguler … Read more

Kelly Morrissey

I welcome the opportunity to support clients as they navigate life and the many unexpected experiences we inevitably encounter. I believe each client is unique and deserves an individualized treatment experience developed around their personal goals and needs. I believe in the healing power of a supportive and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship where clients have the … Read more

florence legros

Psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute formée à l’université de Paris 8. Je donne des consultations ICV en ligne, ou à mon bureau de Malaga.    

Jeanne Paik

I work with clients seeking growth, integration and change in how they experience their lives. When a painful event or memories influence how we interpret our lives, we can often find ourselves stuck in patterns of avoiding, numbing, overworking, obsessing, etc. Despite our best efforts to push through, we start getting signals that something is … Read more

Jeanine Gardner

Adverse and traumatic events in life can leave us feeling unseen, unheard, and misunderstood. I believe healing begins when we become present with the pain and honor its existence. My approach to therapy is compassion-focused, warm, direct, and research-based. My therapeutic style seeks to create safety as I walk with you on your healing journey … Read more