Jackie Pack

Jackie graduated with her Master of Social Work from Louisiana State University in 1995. After graduation, she traveled back to Utah and embarked on a journey in substance addiction therapy.  As she delved into the addiction field, she discovered hidden aspects of her own family’s history and began making sense of her upbringing.  Subsequently, she … Read more

Sarah Meekhof

Your story matters. No matter what season of life you are in, or what you are grappling with: you. matter. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees: counseling can help bring a clearer vision of where you’ve been, where you are heading — and how to get there. I am a Licensed … Read more

Géraldine Séguret

Psychologue clinicienne diplômée de l’université Paris 8, j’accueille les adultes, adolescents et enfants dans mon cabinet à Palaiseau pour des consultations de psychothérapie. Mon approche est dite intégrative, c’est-à-dire qu’elle intègre des approches différentes selon la demande et les besoins de la consultation : cognitive et comportementale, systémique, psychodynamique, ICV-LI et thérapie par le jeu … Read more

Jeanine Gardner

Adverse and traumatic events in life can leave us feeling unseen, unheard, and misunderstood. I believe healing begins when we become present with the pain and honor its existence. My approach to therapy is compassion-focused, warm, direct, and research-based. My therapeutic style seeks to create safety as I walk with you on your healing journey … Read more

Emily Stephens

I am a licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate with a private practice in Olympia, WA.  I welcome all adult clients, and specialize in working with people during the perinatal period (infertility, pregnancy loss, birth trauma, and postpartum challenges).  Lifespan Integration is an invaluable tool that I use to address current challenges for clients, as well … Read more

Caroline Lambert

Psychologue clinicienne et psychothérapeute, j’accompagne les enfants, adolescents et adultes au sein de mon cabinet. Je vous propose un espace de rencontre dans lequel nous travaillerons à votre rythme pour conscientiser, comprendre, identifier, construire et déconstruire.  Je suis formé à l’Intégration du Cycle de la Vie depuis 2020 ainsi qu’à l’hypnose thérapeutique (je ne réalise … Read more