Ashley Kay

The concept of a wild heart speaks to the untamed spirit in all of us that contributes to our zest for life and is the inspiration for my practice. After spending over 20 years in the audio and tech industry, I started leading my life with my wild heart and refocused my career around my … Read more

Michelle Miller

For the last 24 years, I have been working professionally in a variety of mental health settings and have had the privilege of supporting many clients on their healing paths. My work is grounded in evidence-based approaches tailored to each person. Our journey together will be relational and collaborative as I draw on my training, … Read more

Stephanie Beck

I am experienced therapist who is passionate about supporting my clients in their journey to live joyfully and courageously. In the midst of life’s hardships, I am privileged to be a source of encouragement for those who need it. I work with anyone who has experienced disconnect within themselves or the relationships around them. My … Read more

Nancy Montstream

Struggle is a part of the human life.  At some point all of us will face difficult experiences that bring about pain, loneliness, confusion, anxiety, and despair. These experiences may lead us to question our life direction and purpose.  When our stories include trauma and loss that have not been processed, the normal challenges of … Read more

Laura Boulierac

Psychologue certifiée Lifespan Integration (LI), j’accompagne en thérapie individuelle et de couple les adultes. Diplômée en sexologie clinique, je peux conseiller et informer les patient.e.s sur leurs questionnements et problématiques en lien avec la sexualité. Je suis ouverte, à l’aise et renseignée sur les questions LGBTQIA+. Toutes les orientations sexuelles et identités de genre sont … Read more

Lydia Leicht

Psychologue et psychothérapeute diplômée en 2017, je me forme à la thérapie LI-ICV et pratique actuellement uniquement avec des adultes.