Lindsay Schofield

I am a Consultant Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer and Author.  I work in private practice with clients of all ages, and with various challenges.  Strongly relational, I want clients to feel safe and understood whilst working purposefully towards “feeling better”. I love to learn and in addition to my initial qualifications and ongoing CPD, I have … Read more

Brea Owen

My therapeutic work comprises of person-centered and emotion-focused approaches. At the cornerstone of my theoretical orientation, is the belief that human beings are inherently trustworthy and possess an intrinsic ability to move towards healing when they are supported in doing so. I often bring in elements of mindfulness to encourage insight and self-awareness of our … Read more

Mikaela Serafin

The truth is, our world is unpredictable. Our lives are jolted by circumstances that are wonderful, exciting, + lovely–circumstances that are terrible, tragic, + awful. These two opposites do not cancel each other out. Life is both incredible + hard. Therapy is a courageous choice to explore the impact these circumstances have on our lives. The … Read more

Sorcha Mathews

I am a trained counselling and clinical psychologist based in London, UK now with over 16-years of therapy experience. My main area of work is within the National Health Service within a specialist complex trauma and dissociation service. Within both my NHS role and my small private practice I am focused on supporting clients with … Read more

priscilla faure

Psychologue clinicienne, diplômée de l’Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens en 1995, je suis thérapeute ICV et EMDR certifiée Europe. Je propose une approche intégrative. Forte d’une expérience de plus de 20 ans au sein de services hospitaliers pour enfants et adultes (pédiatrie, néonat, Centre Médico Psychologique, CAMSP et Services de médecine adulte), je propose des consultations … Read more

Elodie Yubero

Psychologue clinicienne formée à la thérapie ICV, je reçois en libéral dans mon cabinet à Bordeaux Bastide ou en téléconsultation.

Martha Pedersen

Hello! I’m a licensed mental health counselor in Massachusetts with 15 years experience and I work virtually with clients in Massachusetts. I have 8 years experience as a trained EMDR therapist and am Level 2 trained in Lifespan Integration. If you are struggling with anxiety, PTSD, CPTSD, childhood abuse or major life transitions, or if … Read more