Teresa Jansen

If not updated this record will expire at 07/10/2024.

Therapist category: Trained Therapist

Level of training:  Level 2 

Types of clients: Adults, Couples, Families, Groups

Specializations: Anxiety, Burn Out, Depression, Emotional Dysregulation, LGBTQ, Self confidence, Sexual abuse

LI Therapy online?: Yes

Languages: English

Teresa Jansen is Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Lifespan Integration therapist, and is also certified in EMDR (EMDR-C), CCTPII (trauma), and CCFP (compassion fatigue). Teresa received her Master of Arts in Counseling from Multnomah University, and uses a variety of trauma-informed and resilience-focused therapeutic interventions such as Lifespan Integration (LI), Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), “Tapping” or EFT, Narrative, and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Since 2016, Teresa has found that Lifespan Integration provides an incredible foundation and path to healing for many clients, and that clients who also engage in CBT, IFS, EMDR, or other modalities, will often benefit tremendously from having done Lifespan Integration in therapy first. In addition to other trainings, Teresa has completed over 60 hours of specialized training in an effort to expand local training and supervision opportunities. As a Certified Clinical Supervisor Specialist, she enjoys supervising Professional Counselor Associates and providing topical trainings across Oregon. She has additional training and interest in building compassion and resilience through sexual trauma, spiritual trauma, and LGBTQiA+ experiences. Teresa is passionate about supporting clients (and fellow helping professionals) to stay well, do good, and thrive as they endeavor to serve others.

Main Address:
4035 NE Sandy Blvd Suite 240
Portland,  Oregon, United States

Email: info@teresajansen.com
Phone: 503-451-0387


4035 Northeast Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA