Julie Miller

If not updated this record will expire at 03/14/2025.

Therapist category: Trained Therapist

Level of training:  Level 2 

Types of clients: Adults, Children, Teens

Specializations: Anxiety, Complex Trauma, Eating Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, LGBTQ, Self confidence

LI Therapy online?: Yes

Languages: English

Having support makes all the difference.

And having seen a lot of life, and living what feels like 100 of them already, I know the need for reaching out and leaning in…and how it can be a literal (and metaphoric) life line.

With education and empowerment as the golden thread that knits Three Peaks together, my experience as a social worker, counsellor (both privately and in schools), yoga teacher, sleep consultant and teacher allows me to offer a unique approach to hosting and navigating the hard, and most transformational, conversations.

It’s my greatest goal to end stigmas and shame, obliterate isolation and loneliness, and bust taboos for kids and adults alike. To make asking questions a safe and easy experience, encourage curiosity, to amplify dialogue, and create communities that lean into one another – not away.

To give back, and create change. And to work with you in seeing and experiencing it in your life.


Main Address:

Squamish,  British Columbia, Canada

Email: info@three-peaks.ca
Phone: 6043770682


Squamish, BC, Canada