Jacinthe Leclerc

If not updated this record will expire at 12/05/2024.

Lifespan Integration therapists placeholder

Therapist category: Trained Therapist

Level of training:  Level 3 

Types of clients: Adults

Specializations: Addiction, Anxiety, Burn Out, Depression, Emotional Dysregulation, PTSD, Relational issues, Self confidence, Sleep disorders

LI Therapy online?: No

Languages: French

Main Address:
1576 King Ouest suite 212-5
Sherbrooke,  Québec, Canada
J1J 2C3

Email: jacintheleclercpsychologue@gmail.com
Phone: 8195803281


5 Rue King Ouest #212, Sherbrooke, Estrie, Québec J1H 1N4, Canada