Greg Malone LMHC

If not updated this record will expire at 09/24/2024.

Therapist category: Trained Therapist

Level of training:  Level 2 

Types of clients: Adults, Families, Groups

Specializations: Addiction, Anxiety, Burn Out, Depression, Emotional Dysregulation, Relational issues

LI Therapy online?: Yes

Languages: English

I specialize in grief and loss, medical trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and shame issues. I have over 20 years of experience working in both the mental health field as well as hospice and palliative medicine.  If there are elements of trauma within one’s experience, I use Lifespan Integration as a means to help the brain rewire so that the triggers are no longer too activating.

Individual Grief Counseling, Group Grief Therapy and Grief Writing Group, Resiliency Toolkits for Healthcare Workers, and Lifespan Integration for Trauma Work.

Main Address:
PO Box 17410
Seattle,  Washington, United States

Phone: 206-429-5073


5440 Leary Avenue Northwest, Seattle, WA, USA