Lara Allen

Hi there I am Lara. It Is such a joy to have you here. Over the years, I have found myself having a heart that yearns to have a relationship with others, so I can have the opportunity to walk through different seasons of their life collectively. Whether it be from your past, present or … Read more

Brea Owen

My therapeutic work comprises of person-centered and emotion-focused approaches. At the cornerstone of my theoretical orientation, is the belief that human beings are inherently trustworthy and possess an intrinsic ability to move towards healing when they are supported in doing so. I often bring in elements of mindfulness to encourage insight and self-awareness of our … Read more

Michelle McClintock

I believe it is a privilege to help people who are feeling confused, frustrated, anxious, depressed, or lost in life. I do not take the level of trust and vulnerability it takes to allow someone into your personal life for granted. Creating a safe, compassionate, non-judgmental, and nurturing space where you can heal and grow … Read more

Liz Macdonald

Lifespan Integration is a powerful tool for settling the activating or traumatic points in our history down into the narrative of our lives, reducing reactivity and triggers, and allowing us to move forward with more freedom to act in alignment with our values. As we increase our capacity for self-knowledge, we also tend to increase … Read more


Si vous visitez cette page, c’est que vous faites face à une question, un nœud, une souffrance qui devient prégnante. Peut-être cette difficulté vous concerne vous seul, l’un de vos proches ou la relation à l’un de vos proches. Quoi qu’il en soit vous faites ainsi le premier pas vers “aller mieux”. Vous cherchez une … Read more

Mikaela Serafin

The truth is, our world is unpredictable. Our lives are jolted by circumstances that are wonderful, exciting, + lovely–circumstances that are terrible, tragic, + awful. These two opposites do not cancel each other out. Life is both incredible + hard. Therapy is a courageous choice to explore the impact these circumstances have on our lives. The … Read more

priscilla faure

Psychologue clinicienne, diplômée de l’Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens en 1995, je suis thérapeute ICV et EMDR certifiée Europe. Je propose une approche intégrative. Forte d’une expérience de plus de 20 ans au sein de services hospitaliers pour enfants et adultes (pédiatrie, néonat, Centre Médico Psychologique, CAMSP et Services de médecine adulte), je propose des consultations … Read more

Elodie Yubero

Psychologue clinicienne formée à la thérapie ICV, je reçois en libéral dans mon cabinet à Bordeaux Bastide ou en téléconsultation.