Pam Wood

I strive to create a space where the creative process can aid in your healing. I have a warm and supportive style, and my approach is trauma-informed, intersectional and strengths-based.  I have supported clients through grief and loss, anxiety, depression, ADHD, parenting challenges, learning disabilities, abuse/neglect, foster placement, parental substance abuse, divorce and racial trauma, … Read more

Sabrina Grover

I believe therapy is an opportunity for people to explore themselves and their relationships in order to create space for self-acceptance and deeper connections. I know how difficult it is to find an engaging and authentic therapist that can help you make long lasting life changes and I am ready to meet you where you … Read more

Marie Bailliez

Formée aux 4 niveaux d’ICV(LI) et à la thérapie ICV pour les enfants et adolescents, je reçois aujourd’hui en visio-consultation du lundi au mercredi pour toute problématique pouvant nécessiter un accompagnement avec l’ICV, quelle que soit la demande : soit visant la résolution d’un évènement ponctuel, à court ou moyen terme, dans le mais d’éviter … Read more

Jill Walling

My name is Jill Walling and as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I am dedicated to fostering healing and growth within individuals, couples, and families. With a kind and caring approach, I believe in creating a safe, non-judgmental space where clients can explore their emotions and experiences. My journey in therapy began with a … Read more

Natalie Balch

Welcome! I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) deeply committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based therapy to individuals seeking support and guidance. I’ve dedicated my career to working with individuals, children, and families across various settings, with a recent emphasis on modalities tailored for adults who have experienced early childhood and complex trauma. Beyond … Read more

Geoffrey Schneider

I am in private practice in Ventura & Ojai California. I work remotely & and in person. I have completed up to level 4 training and began my career as an Li therapist back in 2003 when Peggy was just beginning to do trainings. I am 74 years old and plan on work until I’m … Read more


Psychologue Clinicienne , je suis formée à l’Intégration du Cycle de Vie ou ICV depuis 2020 niveau 1,2 (et 3 à venir en mars 2025) pour traiter en profondeur et en sécurité les traumatismes psychiques et les difficultés de régulation émotionnelle. Ayant vécu plusieurs années à l’étranger (en Scandinavie), je me suis intéressée également à … Read more

Justina Wilcox

Sometimes life goes exactly as planned and other times we face unexpected curveballs. This can result in grief, loss, depression, anxiety and more. When this happens, life can seem daunting and insurmountable but there is always hope. With a caring ear, guidance, & therapy methods that fit your situation, the challenges of life can be … Read more

Sebastian Karlström

Jag är utbildad socionom, alkohol och drogterapeut samt steg 3 lifespan integration. Jag har 14år års erfarenhet av att arbeta med människor med beroendeproblematik, kriminalitet och psykisk ohälsa i olika former. jag är stationerad i Sundsvall men kan ta digitala träffar och eventuellt kan jag ta träffar på andra platser i Västernorrland