Goli Shifteh

Goli is a Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC) and a member of the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA). She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with coursework focused on psychology and encounter groups, and she is a registered Lifespan Integration Clinician. Goli’s approach is rooted in her understanding of the importance of spirituality in the … Read more

Leah Kostamo

Leah’s greatest joy is traveling with others in the deep waters of their own transformation. Using interventions based on the latest developments in neuroscience psychology, Leah creates a safe and nurturing environment in which clients can resolve traumatic and sensitive issues. Leah has completed Level 4 training in Lifespan Integration Therapy. In addition, she has … Read more

France Moysan

Psychologue Clinicienne et Psychothérapeute Certifiée en ICV et praticienne EMDR Formée en psychotraumatologie, psychosomatique, transgénérationnel Prises en charge en présentiel et distanciel pour adultes et adolescents

Emeline ZILIO

Thérapie ICV et EMDR Enfants, adolescents et adultes En présentiel ou en téléconsultation

Maritha Andersson

Jag är familjeterapeut, legitimerad Hälso- och sjukvårdskurator och utbildad LI-terapeut. I mitt arbete träffar jag personer med trauman, destruktiva kommunikations- och relationsmönster, rädslor och oro. Jag har lång erfarenhet av att möta familjer, föräldrar, barn och ungdomar med psykosocial problematik. Jag har också lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med Våld i nära relation, både våldsutsatta, … Read more

Kari Kamsvåg Magnusson

Leg. psykoterapeut, Systemisk inriktning (Familjeterapeut), Certifierad Lifespanterapeut, nivå 4. Lång erfarenhet som familjeterapeut, både inom kommunal verksamhet och i privat regi. Arbetat med trauma sedan 2016, främst med sexuella övergrepp och våld. Organiserar Lifespan-utbildningarna i Sverige.

Sarah Kardelen

I believe our lives are like a tapestry, consisting of strands of stories that have been woven together to make one larger story. Our story is part of the larger tapestry of our family, race, culture, country and world. Through the work of therapy, we come to understand our stories and are empowered to decide … Read more

Kirsten Van Wingerden

Does it feel like something just isn’t quite right in your life? Like you are working so hard to maintain a “normal” life and you are burning out? Yeah…I’ve been there…This experience led me to explore my mental health which then led to my passion for helping others do the same. This passion for mental … Read more