Miranda Gambetti

My name is Miranda Gambetti. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II (CADC II). I have been in the Counseling field since 2010. For my entire life, I have cared deeply for others around me, seeing all sides of the human experience (the good and the bad) as … Read more

Marion Frapolli

Psychologue-Psychothérapeute depuis 2009. Thérapeute familiale systémique. Thérapeute ICV niveau 3. Praticienne en haptonomie périnatale. Superviseuse systémique et animation d’Analyse des Pratiques Professionnelles dans différentes structures de la petite enfance, du médico-social, de la protection de l’enfance et du social, et en individuel. 11 ans d’expérience dans le secteur du médico-social. En cabinet libéral depuis 2020. … Read more

Julia Macfarlane

Formée à Lifespan Integration au Royaume-Uni, j’utilise l’ICV en complément à ma pratique de Gestalt Thérapeute. Je peux vous recevoir soit en présentiel dans mon cabinet, installé à Versailles depuis 2016, ou en visio. Etant de double nationalité franco-britannique, je vous offre la possibilité de faire les séances en français ou en anglais.

Lara Allen

Hi there I am Lara. It Is such a joy to have you here. Over the years, I have found myself having a heart that yearns to have a relationship with others, so I can have the opportunity to walk through different seasons of their life collectively. Whether it be from your past, present or … Read more

Christina Rodriguez

I am a Bilingual (English/Spanish) Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 20+ years of experience in Community Mental Health. I have served individuals of all walks of life and ages. I enjoy working with individuals seeking to self-empower themselves through the transformative therapeutic healing process. I believe we are multifaceted in that we have a mind, … Read more

Lindsay Schofield

I am a Consultant Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer and Author.  I work in private practice with clients of all ages, and with various challenges.  Strongly relational, I want clients to feel safe and understood whilst working purposefully towards “feeling better”. I love to learn and in addition to my initial qualifications and ongoing CPD, I have … Read more